World Mental Health Day Q&A with Senior HR Business Partner, Amy Céitinn

Mental health matters. It shouldn't need to be said, but as the world changes, people are confronted with new stresses and challenges in their lives every day. This is especially true at work, where the advent of remote working, new technologies and increasing demand can leave us all not feeling like ourselves.

Each year, the World Federation for Mental Health highlights a theme for World Mental health Day. This year, the theme is: “It is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace“.

We spoke to our Senior HR Business Partner, Amy Céitinn about some of the initiatives we have at Push to support our team with their mental wellbeing. Amy has played a key role in the introduction of Push's new mental wellbeing platform, Spill, which provides all employees with an accessible and confidential way to look after their mental health, both at work and in their personal lives.

Why is it so important for mental health services to be freely available to everyone?

Mental health is such a vital part of overall well-being, but it’s still often overlooked or stigmatised. Making sure mental health services are free and easy to access means that no one has to struggle in silence, especially because of financial or social barriers. It encourages people to seek support early, before things build up and creates an environment where mental health is taken just as seriously as physical health. At Push, we really want everyone to feel comfortable and supported, no matter what they’re going through.

What role does an employer play in helping employees maintain their mental health?

I think employers play such an important part in creating a supportive work environment. By offering mental health support like Spill, we’re showing our team that we care about more than just their work—we care about their overall happiness and well-being. Giving people the space to talk about how they’re feeling, and access to proper support, can make all the difference in helping them thrive, both at work and in their personal lives.

What drew you to Spill as a service and how does it reflect Push's values?

I absolutely love Spill’s approach to mental health. It’s simple, accessible, and meets people where they already are—on Slack! The "Ask a Therapist" function is brilliant, especially for people who might not have tried therapy before but just need someone to talk to. Spill also lets employees choose a therapist based on their gender and preferred language, which makes it feel even more personal. Spill’s flexibility and ease of use really reflect Push’s values of looking after our team and making sure support is always there when it’s needed. It feels like a natural extension of the open, caring culture we’re building every day.

What sort of response have you received from the team since Spill has been introduced?

Although we haven’t received direct feedback due to the confidential nature of the platform, the anonymous feedback questionnaire that is available to users after sessions has been really positive. People really appreciate having a confidential, on-demand option to speak to a therapist, especially as it’s so easy to access during the workday. I truly believe it’s helping to open up more conversations around mental health at Push, and you never really know what someone might be going through, so having these resources available makes all the difference.

What else is Push doing to support the team's mental wellness?

Alongside Spill, we’ve got company-wide fitness challenges, private health care, and a four week work-from-anywhere policy to help support our team’s well-being. Our aim is to keep mental wellness at the heart of what we do, making sure everyone feels supported in balancing work and life. It’s a continuous journey, and we’re always looking for ways to do more.

We would like to thank Amy for sharing her experiences and the HR team for all the work they're doing to support our brilliant team!


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